Equality Diagnosis of our center
We are going to explain step by step how to make the DIAGNOSIS of our center. For this we will establish THREE TASKS for each quarter. In the first trimester they are related to the realization of the DIAGNOSIS:
On the occasion of the approval of the Strategic Plan for Gender Equality for non-university educational centers in Extremadura, it has been necessary to plan how to carry out a diagnosis with a gender perspective in our center and to see the situation of coeducation in it. Likewise, the Center's Plan, Plans and Programs and the Center's Equality Plan were reviewed based on the results obtained therein.
If you click on the following file, you will be able to see a diagnostic model made by me to analyze the situation of the center where I was the teacher responsible for the Gender Equality Plan in relation to its gender perspective and the conclusions obtained:
These are the steps to follow for its realization and the ideas that I have to have very clear for its planning and implementation:
In the following video you can see each of the steps to be carried out in each of the three tasks to be carried out in the first trimester :
How should our Diagnosis be?
THREE TASKS to perform:
- In the center there is a greater female presence in many sectors: teachers, managerial positions, coordinators, AMPA, School Council, non-teaching and service personnel, delegated students or those involved in the Library. In the case of students, there is a greater number of students and there are many more incidents in coexistence issues.
- The coeducational language is used in the signage of dependencies and in the documents of the center, but it is necessary to improve in the informative notes or in those common areas where it is not used correctly on the signs.
- It should be noted that many of the documents of the center are under review due to the entry into force of the new regulations, so it is considered appropriate to take advantage of the occasion to introduce the gender perspective in them, including the institute's budget.
- In relation to the use of the track during recess, the male presence on it continues to prevail. It would be beneficial to create games and mixed techniques that enhance the participation of all students equally.
- The greatest participation in activities, monitoring of the education of their children, AMPA board of directors and School Council is from mothers. Among the families interviewed, the concept of equality in education is defended and that it is promoted at school, but it is very significant to observe that all the interviews sent have been carried out by mothers or those in charge of monitoring the educational development of their children. they are mostly them.
- An important aspect to highlight among the students is that the greater participation in accepting responsibilities, getting involved in them, and obtaining the best grades falls on female students.
- The fact that it is the students who have a greater number of incidents in relation to behavior makes it necessary to also review the Coexistence Plan and introduce the gender perspective in conflict resolution.
- In relation to the distribution of domestic tasks, it is still observed how gender roles prevail, relating the mother to making food and the father to caring for the car.
- Most of the teachers consider it essential to work on coeducation in the center, they introduce it in their teaching work and believe that training on this subject is necessary, however, they admit not to use an inclusive language, so it is observed that it is being imposed prudently at the written level, but not at the oral level.
- They also perceive that the greatest problems of coexistence are centered on boys and that mothers attend tutoring meetings, but it is worrisome to observe the lack of awareness among teachers in relation to the invisibility of women in textbooks .
- The involvement of a large part of the teaching staff in the planning of the dynamics of their classes by introducing education in values to make visible the respect and rights of LGTBIQ students is considered very positive.
- Highlight the need to continue working on the gender perspective among the entire educational community, in order to achieve real equality between men and women.
Regarding the center:
- Try to promote Intervention in the participation of the center, not only of mothers, but also of fathers. Propose workshops for this and information through tutoring meetings.
- In relation to coexistence, promote the intervention of the head of studies, tutors and tutors and the person responsible for the Equality Plan in the resolution of conflicts, especially when inequality between the sexes comes into play in the offense.
- Promote the use of inclusive language, not only at the written level but also at the oral level. Correct labels and documents that have not yet been put into practice.
- In relation to the use of the Library, create the coeducational corner and encourage the reading of coeducational books, working together with the various departments and with the Equality Plan, providing guidance on this issue.
- Make the budget of the center with a gender perspective. Respect for teachers: - Continue with the Tutorial Action Plan with a Gender Perspective, dedicating at least 40% of the tutoring sessions to issues related to coeducation, in which the teaching staff responsible for the PDI, Guidance and of the gender specialists who collaborate with our Equality Educational Project.
- Breaking with gender stereotypes, especially with those that relate the idea of female students as more studious and passive and that of male students as more active and dynamic. Interesting to promote the idea of studious boys and active and dynamic girls.
- Combine different activities of the different plans and programs, unifying content in the same
- Guide teachers and students at the beginning of the course on the use of inclusive language.
Respect for teachers:
-Continue with the Tutorial Action Plan with a Gender Perspective, dedicating at least 40% of the tutoring sessions to issues related to coeducation, in which the teaching staff responsible for the PDI, Guidance and specialists participate actively in gender that collaborate with our Educational Project on Equality.
- Breaking with gender stereotypes, especially with those that relate the idea of female students as more studious and passive and that of male students as more active and dynamic. Interesting to promote the idea of studious boys and active and dynamic girls.
- Unite different activities from the different plans and programs, unifying content in the same activity.
- Guide teachers at the beginning of the course on the use of inclusive language.
Regarding the students:
- Continue working on coeducation through the Tutorial Action Plan with a Gender perspective, in a transversal way through all subjects, the commemoration of coeducational events, workshops and activities proposed by the PDI and the subject Social Changes and Gender.
- Regarding the use of the court at recess, encourage cooperative games and mixed groups, other than those in which the use of the ball is essential.
- Use the Board of Delegates to discuss issues with a gender perspective that can contribute to improving the coexistence of the center.
Respect for families:
- Continue working and maintaining the common Coeducational Project between the AMPA and the PDI.
- Propose workshops and training actions to educate daughters and sons on equality, in relation to the local council.
- Promote the intervention of parents in the participation of the center.