Mercedes Sanchez Vico

My story
Professor of Language and Literature at the IES Al-Baytar in Benalmádena. Expert in coeducation, Head and Coordinator of the Equality Plan of said Center.
Coordinator of the Equality Plan for teachers in the Marbella-Coín CEP area during the 2015, 2016 and 2017 courses. Coordinator of the Equality Plan at IES Eduardo Janeiro from the 2015/16 academic year to the 2019/20 academic year. Head of Escuela Espacio de Paz during the 2017/18 and 2018/19 courses at IES Eduardo Janeiro in Fuengirola.
Director of the Andalusian Institute for Women (IAM) from March to August 2019.
Thirteen years ago she created the Gender Equality Educational Project subject through the image, of which she is the coordinator and the teacher responsible for teaching it in Baccalaureate and 4th of ESO. It computes the same as the rest of the subjects in the curriculum, being a pioneering subject in the Andalusian autonomous community, which has earned it multiple awards and recognitions.
She is the coordinator and speaker of numerous Workshops and Coeducational Courses in public and private centers, in Universities and in CEPs (Teachers' Center) in Malaga, Córdoba, Seville and Cádiz, both for teachers and students).
It collaborates with public institutions such as the Ministry of Education of the Junta de Andalucía and the Delegation of Education of Malaga, Universities (Malaga, Seville, Carlos III (Madrid), Alicante and Valencia), CEPs from various provinces, the IAM, the Department for the Equality of various Town Halls and Women's Centers, and CODAPA (Confederation of Andalusian Associations Mothers and Fathers for Public Education) / FDAPA.
He has created, organized and coordinated multiple exhibitions and competitions related to the theme of an education based on values in equality.
Through the production company he created several years ago, he has developed several coeducational audiovisual projects such as LAS EDUCADORAS, a documentary that aims to make visible the great work that
performed by 15 women to achieve equal co-education and make possible the transformation of a world for the better by equality or the coeducational short film ELLAS, MUJERES WHO HAVE MADE HISTORY BUT ARE NOT IN HISTORY , made with their 4th ESO students of the Project and awarded in the X Edition of the International Competition of
Shorts for Equality.
At present, two coeducational projects carried out for the Government of the Canary Islands have seen the light.
Coeducational project for the correct use of inclusive language. The five guides that compose it can be downloaded on the website of the Canary Institute of Equality (ICI).
It is accompanied by an APP for mobiles and tablets that, likewise, can be downloaded completely free of charge on the corresponding platform.
Project Carried out by Mercedes Sánchez Vico and Ana Magallanes Camón and edited by the Instituto Canario de Igualdad.
GUIDE 1 INCLUDEDAPPS The importance of inclusive language and its learning in the classroom
GUIDE 2 INCLUDEDAPPS Basic rules of inclusive language
GUIDE 4 INCLUDEDAPPS Didactic proposals Included coeducational project
GUIDE 5 INCLUDED APPS Tutorial Action Plan with gender perspective
Coeducational school calendar #ICI : "Canary women with art", made by Mercedes Sánchez Vico and Ana Magallanes Camón. In it you can meet and discover brilliant women from the art world that everyone should know.
Edited by the Canary Institute of Equality.
Calendar: https://bit.ly/3cf9i68
Primary guide: https://bit.ly/2Rx1rHz
Secondary guide: https://bit.ly/3hEvTds
Poster: https://bit.ly/2Rx8uQo
Canarian Institute of Equality.

- Degree in Hispanic Philology from the University of Granada.
- Postgraduate in Image Reading and its Technological and Didactic application in the Classroom by the UNED.
- Head of the Department of Language and Literature in several Andalusian public institutes, such as the IES Sierra Luna de Los Barrios (Cádiz), the IES Ramón y Cajal de Fuengirola and in e IES Eduardo Janeiro from Fuengirola during the years 2015/2018. He is currently Head of the Equality Plan at IES Al-Baytar. Responsible for the Peace Space School Program in the IES Eduardo Janeiro during the 2017/19 academic years and responsible for the Equality Plan in the at the IES Ramón y Cajal de Fuengirola and the IES Eduardo Janeiro de Fuengirola during several school years.
- Coordinator of the Equality Plan for the zone teachers of the CEP Marbella-Coín from the academic year 2015 to 2019.
-Director of the Andalusian Institute for Women from March to August 2019.
- Career civil servant since 1991.
- Expert in Equality and Gender
- Creator, Coordinator and teacher of the Coeducational Project “Gender Equality through the image of the IES Ramón y Cajal de Fuengirola, in the IES Eduardo Janeiro and the IES Al-Baytar of Benalmádena.
- Director, scriptwriter and producer of the coeducational documentary LAS EDUCADORAS and the short films coeducational:
- Creator of the coeducational projects INCLUIDAPPS and MUJERES CANARIAS CON ARTE, educational materials published by the Instituto Canario de Igualdad.

Member and Partner of AAMMA , Andalusian Association of Women of the Audiovisual Media.
Coordinator and speaker of numerous Workshops and Coeducational Courses in public and private centers, in Universities and in CEPs (Teachers' Center) of Malaga, Córdoba, Seville and Cádiz, both for teachers
as for students.
It collaborates with public institutions such as the Ministry of Education of the Junta de Andalucía and the Delegation of Education of Malaga, Universities (Malaga, Seville, Carlos III (Madrid), Alicante and Valencia), CEPs from various provinces, the IAM, the Department for the Equality of various Town Halls and Women's Centers, and CODAPA (Confederation of Andalusian Associations Mothers and Fathers for Public Education) / FDAPA.
He has created, organized and coordinated multiple exhibitions and competitions related to the theme of an education based on values in equality. Highlight: COEDUCATIONAL LITERARY CONTEST (against gender violence):
- " PILAR JURADO, BREAKING GLASS CEILINGS ", at the provincial level (public and concerted centers in Malaga). Organizer and creator. It subsidizes FDAPA, the Delegation of Education of Malaga collaborates. In its first three editions. The first three editions
- " GEMA OTERO, BREAKING GLASS CEILINGS ", in its IV Edition. It subsidizes FDAPA, the Delegation of Education of Malaga collaborates.
- " BREAKING GLASS CEILINGS", in its V and VI Edition. It subsidizes FDAPA, the Delegation of Education of Malaga collaborates.
- BREAKING GLASS CEILINGS, with the best micro-stories of the editions held.
- LIVING WITHOUT VIOLENCE IS A RIGHT. (Against gender violence)
- ALL LOVES ARE THE SAME. (For the visibility of the LGTBIQA Collective)
Professor of the subject "Media" for eight years in various public educational centers in Andalusia, such as the IES Sierra Luna, Los Barrios (Cádiz) and the IES Ramón y Cajal de Fuengirola.