JURY of the contest
Breaking glass ceilings .

The jury will be composed of the following members:
Mrs. Pilar Triguero Vilrreales.
Mrs. Gema Otero Gutiérrez.
Mrs. Olatz Arroyo
Mrs. Rosa María Rivera Cuevas.
Mrs. Paula María Jerez montero ..
Mr. José Antonio García Serrano.
The entire educational community is represented in it (parents, teachers and students) and, likewise, people who are experts in equality and gender or who are directly related by their professional work with women victims of gender violence or with the world of the literature.
She has a diploma in Nursing and Physiotherapy, a profession she develops in Malaga. She has been linked to the movement of mothers and fathers of Public School students for more than 23 years.
Until October 24, 2010 she was the president of the Andalusian Confederation CODAPA and vice president of the Federation of AMPAs of Malaga, FDAPA, of which she was president for 8 years, in addition to being the president of the AMPA Sierra Mar of the IES Sierra de Mijas, as well as the AMPA FÉNIX of CEIP Las Cañadas.
For four years she was the autonomous representative of Andalusia in the CEAPA National Confederation and a member of the State School Council.
He has been a member of the Andalusian School Council and of its Permanent Commission for thirteen years, of the Provincial School Council of Malaga and has been a member of the Municipal School Council of Mijas, he is a member of the Andalusian Council of Citizen Security and of the Observatory of Coexistence by the Group of Personalities and the Andalusian Advisory Council for the Prevention of Drug Addiction and the Regional Commission for Children, among others.
Among other distinctions, he has received the Award for Educational Merit, the Special Mention for Volunteering and the Día de Andalucía Award from the Malaga Government Delegation.
She has a degree in Geography and History from the University of Seville and an Expert in Gender and Equal Opportunities between Women and Men from the Pablo de Olavide University of Seville.
She has worked as an Expert in Gender and Equality developing training activities in subjects such as; gender violence, public equality policies, non-sexist language, co-responsibility, healthy affective-sexual relationships or developing co-education projects in educational centers. Among others, she has given courses and lectures at various entities such as the Andalusian Institute for Women, the General Directorate for Women of the Community of Madrid, the Institute for the General Directorate of Women of the Community of Madrid, the Andalusian Youth Institute, the CCOO of Teaching, Teacher Centers, University of the Balearic Islands and Pablo de Olavide, Provincial Councils, Town Halls, educational centers and private entities.
She is the creator of the coeducational story "SuperLola", "Lalo, the pink prince" and La Señora Malilla, S. C, a professional and artistic project that aims to create and edit coeducational stories, didactic and audiovisual materials from a gender perspective.
On March 6, she was awarded the Meridiana Prize 2015. On March 8, 2014, she was awarded the "Equality Prize" from the City Council of La Rinconada for her personal and professional contribution to Gender Equality.
She has been a member of the Andalusian Association of Women in Audiovisual Media, AAMMA, since August 2014.
You can read more about GEMA HERE
She has a degree in Philosophy and Letters from the Complutense University of Madrid.
In cinema he has co-written the comedy "The best summer of my life" (2018) directed by Dani de la Orden. On television she has been the script coordinator for the comedy Down there and has worked as a scriptwriter on series such as Great Hotel, Aida or I am Bea, among others ... When he is not writing for television, he directs his own shorts, all in a comic key; Jesus my Jesus (2006), The Asuncion plan (2009) and I only know that I know nothing (2011), winners of several national and international awards. In theater he has written and directed the comedy Klippan, which premiered in Madrid in 2014.
She has a Law Degree from the University of Malaga and a University Expert on Gender and Equal Opportunities from the aforementioned UMA. She is also a mediator.
She has been a volunteer in the NGO SETEM-Andalucía leading Development Assistance Cooperation Projects, aimed at Filipino girls and young women rescued from child prostitution and the second, from the literacy of indigenous boys and girls in Bolivia.
Since 1995, she has worked at the Municipal Center for Information for Women of the Department for Equality of the Hon. Fuengirola Town Hall, where it mainly offers, among many other services, legal advice on Gender Violence and Equality and Women's Rights.
Degree in English Philology from the University of Malaga and Diploma in Teaching with extensive complementary training in the areas of coexistence and equality.
He is currently part of the Advisory Office on School Coexistence and Equality of the Education Delegation in Malaga.
He is a Psychologist and Social Educator. Master in Child-adolescent Psychological Treatment, and mention of the degree in intervention with people at risk of social exclusion.
She expanded her university studies with training in gender, equal opportunities, sexuality and couples therapy. He is currently in the 4th year of the Bachelor's Degree in Social Work and is specializing in General Health Psychology. Activist in social networks related to equality.
During the two years of high school he studied the subject Educational Project on Gender Equality through the Image at the IES Ramón y Cajal. At the end of his studies at this educational center, he continued to actively participate in the Project, in which he has given training co-educational workshops to new students.
He has given workshops on sexual and gender diversity to teachers through the training of different CEPs. Although his specialty and main focus of work is intervention with students through co-educational workshops on sexual diversity, gender violence, visibility of women and the LGTBIQ + collective, etc ...